Các cụm từ hữu ích dùng để viết lại câu


1. to prefer doing sth to doing sth = would rather do sth than do sth = S + like sth/doing sth better than sth/doing sth:thích làm gì hơn làm gì
2. to look at (v)= to have a look at (n):    nhìn vào
3. to think about = to give thought to : nghĩ về
4. it’s one’s duty to do sth = S + be + supposed to do sth: có nghĩa vụ làm gì
5. to be determined to= to have a determination to : dự định
6. to know (about) = to have knowledge of: biết
7. to be not worth doing sth = there is no point in doing sth : không đáng, vô ích làm gì
8. to tend to = to have a tendency to : có khuynh hướng
9. to intend to +inf = to have intention of + V_ing : dự định
10. to desire to = have a desire to : khao khát, mong muốn
11. to succeed in doing sth = manage to do sth: làm việc gì thành công
12. to wish = to have a wish / to express a wish : ao ước
13. to visit Sb = to pay a visit to Sb / to pay Sb a visit : thăm viếng
14. to discuss Sth = to have a discussion about : thảo luận
15. can = tobe able to = to be possible: có thể làm gì
16. to decide to = to make a decision to : quyết định
17. to talk to = to have a talk with : nói chuyện
18. understand = to be aware of: hiểu, nhận thức
19. to explain Sth = to give an explanation for : giải thích
20.to call Sb = to give Sb a call : gọi điện cho…
21. to be interested in = to have interest in : thích
22. because + clause = because of + N: bởi vì
23. to drink = to have a drink : uống
24. it seems that = it appears that = it is likely that = it look as if/ as though: dường như, có vẻ như
25. to photograph = to have a photograph of : chụp hình
26. to cry = to give a cry : khóc kêu
27. to laugh at = to give a laugh at : cười nhạo
28. like = to be interested in = enjoy = keen on = fond of sth: yêu thích cái gì
29. to welcome Sb = to give Sb a welcome : chào đón
30. to kiss Sb = to give Sb a kiss : hôn
31. S + often + V = S + be used to +Ving /N = S + be accustomed to + Ving: thường/quen với làm gì
32. to ring Sb = to give Sb a ring : gọi điện
33. to warn = to give warning : báo động, cảnh báo
34. although + clause = despite + N = in spite of + N: mặc dù, bất chấp
35. to try to (+inf) = to make an effort to/ to make an attempt to : cố gắng
36. to meet Sb = to have a meeting with Sb : gặp ai

Một số ví dụ trong câu:

* Understand = to be aware of

Do you understand the grammar structure? = Are you aware of the grammar structure?

 ( Bạn có hiểu cấu trúc ngữ pháp không?)

* Like = to be interested in = enjoy = keen on = fond of sth

I like collecting stamps = I am interested in collecting stamps = I bcollecting stamps = I am keen on collecting stamps = I’m fond of collecting stamps.

 ( Tôi yêu thích việc sưu tầm tem)

* Because + clause = because of + N

He can’t move because his leg was broken = He can’t move because of his broken leg

 (Anh ấy không thể di chuyển vì chân anh ấy bị gãy = Anh ấy không thể di chuyển vì cái chân gãy.)

* Although + clause = despite + N = in spite of + N

bshe is old, she can compute very fast = Despite/In spite of her old age, she can compute very fast.

 (Mặc dù đã nhiều tuổi, nhưng bà ấy có thể tính toán rất nhanh.)

* Succeed in doing sth = manage to do sth

We succeeded in digging the Panama canal = We managed to dig the Panama canal

 (Chúng tôi đã thành công trong việc đào kênh Panama.)

* To be not worth doing sth = there is no point in doing sth

It’s not worth making him get up early = There is no point in making him getting early

 (Gọi anh ấy dậy sớm không có ích gì đâu.)

* It seems that = it appears that = it is likely that = it looks as if/ as though

It seems that he will come late = It appears that / it is likely he will come late = He is likely to come late = It looks as if he will come late

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